четвъртък, 15 август 2013 г.

website nightmares

A week too late for doing my Professional Portfolio assignment, or perhaps two weeks or even a few months late, who knows, I'm finally starting to freak out a bit about it. I spent all evening trying to come up with a website design on wix.com, which is considered to be a relatively popular and easy option. Having some experience with stone-age webdesign from 7 years ago, I thought it would be a piece of cake. If only! After 3 or 4 hours of desperate scribbling, uploading, dragging and refreshing I ended up with a lousy background, a misplaced title, an invisible gallery and a growing dislike for every webpage generator of the 'you see what you get' variety. Life seemed so much easier before, when you could come across as really cool with as much as a simple html code. It is true that it was mainly due to the fact that not many people knew what the hell was html; but still.

<patience align='deadline' href='contents'>scribbles<fail size='infinite' align='pathetic'>^*&^$£*£</fail></patience>
<time to sleep>

The new day has come so I am calling it a day for now; let's hope the webpage will magically decide to behave itself more tomorrow, or that any of my friends agree to fix it for me in exchange for a few beers. o_O
And it is just a small portion of the work that needs to be done still; next come the business cards, photoshoot, twitter, myspace, facebook artist page, CV and a much-dreaded essay. Good night.

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